The old china cabinet
sits by the wall
its been there
for many a year
once was my grandmothers
pride and joy
and after many
years it's now mine.
The glass doors
still open gracefully
with tiny locks
that hold them tight
and inside are
the treasures from
before the time
I was even born.
Fine glasses,
delicate china and much
more reside there
in all their glory
gently cleaned
once in a while and
sometimes re-arranged
to show
all the different
colours and shapes.
The bone china
tea set, no longer quite complete,
the crystal vase
and fruit bowl, the swan its wings abeat,
the tiny dog with
eyes aglow and many more
all placed with
care have stories of their own.
Sometimes at a
special request from someone dear
pieces of the
treasures are gently lifted
from where they
rest and placed
on the table so
their glory can be seen.
In the center
of the cabinet
sits a beautiful
doll from times long gone,
dressed in pretty
clothes, long black hair
down to its waist,
blue eyes shining
full of knowledge
of the years and a
wry smile upon
it's countenance,
which seems to
say I am watching the
time roll by and
the changes that appear,
I see you as you
are now,
the difference
of the years of long ago
have been so many,
that time I use to ponder.
Oh how can one
ever put a value on these treasures
passed down from
mother to daughter
the pleasures
they bring cannot be counted.
They live on in
my china cabinet.
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