A wise person once said to me: "If a person loves
music or poetry, you can almost bet there'll be no nastiness in them".
I'm almost certain that this is not always true, but I do know that some
of the best friends I've ever had in my life have shared (or turned out
to have shared) a love of words and music.
If you are here at all, this probably means that
you are one of those people. If you've ever found yourself wandering around
with words in your head, or shouting at the television news in blank verse,
or humming a little tune that seems to have popped out from nowhere, this
could be a good place for you.
The idea for this site was one of those 'ideas'
from nowhere. Or perhaps I saw what Nexus had done, or perhaps I was just
restless. Whatever caused it, I'm glad now that it started.
The whole site is designed for people who write.
People who want and request what we call ''C&CC'' Creative and Constructive
Criticism. It is designed to be work in progress, and to show you your
work. There is nothing quite like publication, in the case of writing,
or framing, in the case of painting, for helping one to see what one is
doing. For sharpening one's own focus.
It is also designed to be a resource, and a tool
kit, but that may become more clear as we mature on the web.
Scribble: has, over the years, had
many incarnations in several different kinds of reality. It has been Scribble
: NZ_Poetry, The FidoNet Echo. Three different publications, and Two different
Poetry Evenings. Here it is, now, in yet another incarnation, in yet another
Here you are, then, on the threshold of
scribble: on the net
I hope you enjoy it:)
Heck, I hope that even now, you are reaching
for your 'scribble sticks' ..be they in graphite, or keyboard form.