Poem Roger

Intelligence and intuition, practicality and 
deep understanding of complexity in a rarely 
understood nature.
Emotions and a sensitivity that cut deeply 
into a ravine made of rock.
Very complex loved simplicity.
Distrust of people in a cold hard world.
Hatred, where there is no forgiveness, 
too hard to understand.
A world of hardness and coldness slashing 
through the innocent, the world in which we live.
Trapped in a tide with people 
who accept their lot is not all right.
Religion and science, how to find a healthy balance.
Turning to perfectionism, looking for acceptance 
and understanding in a lonely world.
Perfectionism striven to greater heights, 
the greater the achievement, 
the more acceptance got lost.
Intelligence and heart rolled up into one, 
so rare, but it got lost waiting to be found.
Serenity found in the rivers, mountains and bush.
Beauty found in the voice of the Tui.
Trees lacking they didn't love.
The rivers didn't accept.
I won't ask why, because I know why.
The tunnel was too long and the portal was blocked.
What can I say, we were so much like each other.
I know that immense feeling in a world that doesn't 
know or understand who you really are.
I'm lost for words, I know the loneliness, 
but I'll keep searching for the both of us.
Return to the bush my brother, where you found 
beauty, a place absent of mankind.
Watch over the rivers and listen for the call of the Tui.
You will find your paradise.


(C) Copyright 1999
Christine Johnson
All Rights Reserved

The Nexus Collection

