New Garden

 Magnolia leaves and Violet enters
 Draping wisteria across my path
 Lavender sent a muted message
 A thistle in my haunted past
 Holly brought me winter memories
 Cherry blossoms falling fast
 All once part of this life fast changing
 Like the seasons gone at last

 Blues once rampant pushed aside
 Passioned colours spreading wild
 And where the tears fell as I cried
 Snowdrops sprout and I have smiled
 Soon this garden will bring me pleasure
 Through its rebirth I still labour
 Knowing this is my secret treasure
 Holding memories which are truly mine

 Vibrant places which once were bare
 Springing now from deep within
 Blowing away cold winter air
 Blooming with life yet once again
 Love and work the only dues
 In this garden not yet done
 But filling days with living hues
 And nights with scents of dreams to come

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