Wordlovers Weekly
Marion Greene, Neil Hawkes, Noel Fuller,
Pavel Chichikov, Marc Sherland, Peter Gallaher,
Terry Bowden, Arthur Isaacson
Volume I:vi. 8 March, 2004 |
two sonnets: Marc Sherland
A Walk Around Manukau
Stepping forward in this world but back in another, Takes me farther from home, yet closer to mother. Drinking the nectar of life going on: Sweeping Me back to comprehend others.
`Round to the end of my journey's beginning arriving to find it is gone, I'm admitting I'm less and I'm more, more questions than answers. Less logic more faith, perhaps that is fitting
I cannot return to the place I began, deterred from old views, new vistas conferred. I am what I am, though not what I thought. Learned from the ancestors my walking inferred
Truth to be told I'm just more aware The sum of it all, an internalized prayer
©2004Isaacson |
Wild geese are flying overhead unseen Just as the dead who leave their bodies lying Who are the souls of radiance migrating In lines by wings bear up their winter sins
Crossroad of meridians their goal Beneath a star that never loses place Where summer is the solar of Christ's face - Their aim - beloved and ever-destined pole
Now like the souls the spring-migrating geese Call above the houses, rough in clarity, Their soundings clear in unison's disparity - Far overhead and far until their voices cease
Let those who wish pray mercy for the dead But still remember wild geese overhead
March 2, 2004 |
Spring Pond
How odd, how strange The spring frogs Are the northern bellbirds
Their cries above The spring pond ringing Sound like bells
Bells invisible And yet they ring And yet they ring
The silver sight The sound in flight Unseen delight
Here and there The bells appear No telling where
Ancient bells Of northern spring The spring pond ringing
March 7, 2004
Chichikov's Spring |
Flat House
A doorway on its side: unsinned amens Peeping mirrors, many voices sing: Never need for Lent, we have not fallen, We are the shrill inhabitants of spring
Breathing through our skins, our bulging eyes, Slimy legs that formerly were fins, Ceiling ever lower till it dries, World enough because we have no sins
Merry house we have, a loud uproar Where only metamorphosis is new Water walls and shapeless is the door And all the footloose clouds come walking through
March 6, 2004
The Heron
I see the heron sentinel gray Great eye fixed on me at close of day; His black and steady eye on me.
Sleek his head, long his neck and sinuous, So still, still as time, he stands and waits Regarding me at close of day.
In growing shadow red flames his eye Against dying light in Western sky, And black his steady gaze at me.
Then off from settling shore he seeks. See, up on mighty wings he beats Looking back at me at close of day.
Straight East toward densest black he flies. Ever east beyond the flowing skies The heron that had gazed at me
Until on shores of night's dark lake So still, still as time, he stands and waits To pierce the sun and bring light back to me.
Peter Gallaher March 2, 2004 |