MARCH where will I turn up next, I wonder? 1999 
Echo Monthly

this once, there are three 'Poems of the Month'.
Terry's Come the Horsemen
Heather's Tree, and Ewan's It ran and it ran

Echo HouseWork - Letters -
 The Web Site and the Moderator - Overview

Archival Woes, and Wows ! I've been badgering Brian off and on for replacement copies of what were a few corrupted files. In the end I downloaded the complete 1997 set from Hairless. I was so pleased with the results that I went back and downloaded everything I could lay my hands on from 1993 onward. Why? Because that Bluewave packet is a marvellous solution to Hard Drive space. Not only are the files compressed on the disk, but they're easily available and sortable with the Bluewave sort feature. They're not quite so vulnerable to dog fur and predators as the floppy disks were either, and I can still back them up. Thank you Brian!

Letters after our Names
There was quite some discussion about adding to the time honoured C&CC Welcome, so as to indicate whether we were willing for a particular poem to be published on the web in either Nexus/Prose or on the /scribble site. The consensus from those involved with the discussion seems to have been that so long as it is made copyright clear, a poet may chose to add a sentence to the poem or use the letters WPP/S/N to indicate that Web Publishing is Permitted on /Scribble or:and /Nexus.

The WebSite:
Is time consuming. (grin) It is also a heck of a way to learn how to do
a website. I find myself with more ideas and material than I have time
to process. I'm sure this will iron itself out, as things get set and I
learn how to put my ideas into html form. I'm seeing a rhythm begin to
develop. Presently I'm sitting on Ewan's Song Cycle which has been 'in
the rough' for rather a long while waiting for the finishing touches.

There have been times however when the Site has come before the Echo. That isn't a permanent thing, of course, because without the echo there is little point in the site. So this is by way of an apology to you all,
and a thanks for your patience.

March had some big moments. Several of them were in poems by Ewan. But there was also Terry's "Come the Horsemen", Heather's "Tree", and Ewan's "It ran and it ran. These, though very different from each other, stayed in my mind. 

So, this once, there are three 'Poems of the Month'.
Heather's Tree has already been pounced on by two other sites on the
Web, her poplar seems to have said something important to all of us. It
interests me that just as deadline happened for Scribble 2 Heather
posted a fine poem with a tree as the central image. The two poems are
very different however. 
Ewan's It ran and it ran is a vivid picture of excellence and the
escape from restrictive nurture of security. But it is direct, vital and
exciting. The opening lines lift you right out of your seat. 
Terry's poem Come the Horsemen isn't so much complex as difficult to settle to. It is a restless, resentful, damaged piece of mind. These Armageddon poems are monumental in scope, weighty in both intellect and emotion.  They're a grievous reflection on creation's flash point, glib christian theory and triumphal human archetypes. They aren't easy poems in any sense of the word, they build, one on the other, build and reveal in the same sentence.

 'Marching ON' 2 : Poets in March
Alice to Emily