Potato Girl 

I sit like a vegetable 
Thinking this will be easier 
Easier on life and me 
But it couldn't last 
Because I knew that one day 
I'll have to get off my ass 
To face this world 
And all its people 
I just didn't want to blend in 
To be one of the crowd 
I would have to dress all nice 
And maybe say a greeting or two 
If only there was a hole 
A hole for just me and my other soul 
Then we could crawl in together 
And never face anyone 
We wouldn't be scared 
Because everything would be all right 
As long as we had each other 
It could be dark 
And the world gone 
But I wouldn't care 
Because our love would last forever. 

(C) Copyright 1999
All Rights Reserved

The Nexus Collection

For My Friends

My Future
Potato Girl
