Love Ethereal
They ask: "How can you love
unseen, unheard, untouched?"
I answer: "If it is she, how can I not?"
Why couldn't we love across the miles
if life's deafening cannot
mask her gentlest whisper,
nor its demands conceal my
Why shouldn't we love -
if love brings close what
life divides,
if distance cannot weaken
the heart's attraction?
Tell me where lie its earthly boundaries
what barriers can strong passions
never topple,
nor love more gently cross?
Love finds love across the world, paths
unseen, heralds unheard,
yet ever awaited and ever welcome.
As for my One, her essence is all I have
... and is everything.
Her own true self laid bare of facade,
free of disguise.
Truly I know not of her - but I know her
- by makeup and spirit,
her joys and griefs and kindness shared
across the ether.
We've shared ourselves in words. Reached
beyond our solitude.
Committed to each in heart and mind.
And it is love alone which joins us, untainted
by life, unsullied by touch.
More intimate than closeness, more close
than touching.
Love stronger than flesh, more enduring
than life.
For if some day finds death between us,
still will the one have
the words of the other, and still will
we be together.