It has become
obvious over the past few months that things are changing in the world
of Bulletin Boards. Even were there not so many Boards closing in this
part of the world, we are all being forced, one way or another, to choose
how we spend our leisure. The World Wide Web is filled with intensive,
time consuming choices.
There is a certain
amount of grief both for those who stay within FidoNet, and for those who
become immeshed in the web. There is, also, some sense of loss both of
inspiration and of companionship.
It seems to me,
that in developing scribble on the net I have several aims in mind.
One is to provide
a point of contact for those who simply don't have the line time to visit
the FIDO group. To that end I propose to include my monthly review of NZ_Poetry
on these pages, and with them - subject to the approval of the poet, of
course, my own personal choice of the most memorable poem to be posted
during that time. The criteria are strictly personal. When I sit down to
write the review, something about the poem must leap to my mind and stay
there. This is not a competition, merely a way to share the high points.
I'm hoping
that over time, Scribble on the Net can begin to provide some of the services
which seem to happen naturally within the FidoNet Echo. An area in which
original poems may be posted, and discussed.
I'ld like to see
an area for relaxing with words too, modelled on the old Nexus BBS Rubber
Room, where a few writers inspired each other, mostly by not trying too
hard to impress or to write beautifully. Out of that experiment came several
major works.
These things are still very
much 'in the works'. Some of them depend on the reaction of the FidoNet
community, since I am also hoping sometimes to cross post, if only the
best, both ways. After all, we've tried, over the years, to post poems
on behalf of long time Scribblers who have gone overseas, or of people
who wished to remain anonymous or of friends who did not themselves have
a computer or a modem. This is one step ahead of that.
time goes on, I hope also to provide some technical and historical resources.
Including some definitions of the more popular styles of poetry, examples
of poetry translated from ancient languages, a few essays (oh how I hope
not all of them by me), and, subject to individual copyright permissions,
extracts from Scribble the Anthology past, and indeed, as yet